Friday, January 16, 2009

Game Over!

I think I have psychologically damaged my child. She will never look at a potty ever again. Do Depends come in child size?
Last night was a nightmare! My daughter has a bladder as strong as steel! She held it from 9:30am until sometime after 8pm! Nothing, Nadda, Zip! She would not go for anything in the world! Last night we took turns making her sit on the potty with her screaming, while we promised her every toy imaginable, cookies, you name it and she wouldn't budge a drop.

She wanted to come out with us in the family room and we told her that if she went, then she could come out, otherwise she had to go to bed. Yep, she went to bed early. Fell asleep quickly, and then had the nerve to wake me up at 1:30 in the morning to tell me she was wet. Needless to say, she went back to bed wet.

This morning, she got up, changed herself into a new diaper, got dressed and is going on like nothing ever happened. I am not buying anymore diapers. When she runs out, she is out. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!


Quincy Sorensen said...

I wish I had a brilliant solution for you, really I do. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry! Potty training has never been something I have looked forward to and I have no great solutions. I think there are some kids that are ready at certain times and others take's certainly frustrating! I wish I could be of more help to you!

Sara said...

Way to stick with it! Just keep telling yourself that you have more persistence than a 4 year old...

Karen said...

ARRRGHHH! I hate potty training too. Hang in there!