Okay, so I know you have all been wondering what happened so here is the story.
On Monday(20th), we decided to spend the day together since Thomas was out of school and Nathan had the day off. We drove around town and around 4pm we decided to go rent some movies and head home, order pizza and have a picnic in the family room. We were leaving Hollywood Video and I was holding Emily in my left arm. I guess I went to step down the step, when Abby crossed in front of me. I missed the step, fell down and landed on top of my right arm while it went up in the "square" position. I heard something pop, and then realized that Emily was now laying on the ground screaming. Her head literally bounced off the concrete and within seconds she had a goose egg forming on the side of her head.
Nathan turned around, saw us both on the ground and said, "Please tell me that sound was not Emily's head hitting the concrete." I started crying, we yelled at the kids to get in the car, and raced 2 blocks to the ER. I rushed in with her and the nurses took her to check her out. She had a CAT Scan and all came back normal. I went to X-ray and had a few pictures taken of my arm, and neck. The doctor couldn't tell at that time if it was broken or sprained, so he splinted my entire arm and told me to follow up with an Orthopedic in a week.
That night we had to check on Emily every 3 hours to make sure she was okay and I took my pain meds faithfully.
Tuesday things were a little better, but since it was my right arm, I couldn't do anything. The ward stepped in and brought me meals Thurs-Saturday since Nathan left Wednesday to go to Finland. Perfect timing!
I went to Ortho yesterday and sure enough, I have a small fracture on my right wrist. I am now in a removable brace that keeps it all secure, but allows me to move my fingers and take it off when I need to.
3 more weeks to go!
P.S. For those who may be wondering, Abby was completely fine. She got out of the way while I was falling. She felt so bad though, that in the ER, she kept apologizing for making me fall and said it was an accident. Very cute!
I am glad the everyone was fine in the end! Poor kids and poor you for probably worrying so much more about Emily! I am sure you are glad that is past!
So can you use your arm for everything now or do you have to be careful still?
I am so very sorry this happened to both of you. I bet you have been miserable with the pain, without the use of your arm, worrying about Emily, not having your love around . . . I hope things will get back to normal soon.
how scary!!! hope that you get feeling better, and glad that it wasn't more serious with emily!!!
Whew! I'm glad everyone is OK!
So sad. I am happy that it has turned out to be fairly minor but what an inconvenience and scare. Fast mending to you and little Em.
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