Tuesday, January 20, 2009

i've been tagged...

but it will have to wait! i fractured my right arm and can barely type! hopefully i will be back to normal soon.


Quincy Sorensen said...

HOW DID YOU FRACTURE YOUR ARM? I am so sorry. You're in my thoughts, Kelly. No fun to be without your arm or to be in pain! I'll look forward to the story . . . but later.

Karen said...

Oh my goodness! That has to be the worst news! Right in the middle of the potty and mess. Oh Kelly, hang in there. And please take care of yourself. I am thinking of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry! You have had quite the week! Wish I were there to help out if possible! Hang in there!

Sara said...

So you can't just say you fractured your arm without at least some details! We'll all be waiting in the wings to hear the story...