Thursday, May 21, 2009

Am I Cursed?

I am really beginning to wonder if I am cursed. Every month since the beginning of the year something has happened to one of us while Nathan was out of town, or going out of town. Here are some hilights:
January- I broke my arm 2 days before Nathan traveled.
February- Influenza A, Emily taken to ER. Nathan at a business summit.
April- I had a double ear infection, had to call family at 2:30am. Nathan in London.
March- Abby needs stitches in leg 2 days before Nathan goes out of town.
May- Emily broke her leg, and today Abby got bit by a dog. My mom left this morning and before that we were accident free. She leaves, and the dog bites. Nathan is in Japan.

Is there a pattern here? Is my karma out of whack? Nathan returns Saturday hopefully free from Swine flu. Knock on wood. Is there any wood nearby? I'm going to go find some...


Quincy Sorensen said...

I know I shouldn't be laughing . . . is Abby okay? Some dogs just aren't so nice. I hope the only thing Nathan brings back from Japan is a beautiful kimono for you.

kmmclain said...

Abby is fine. It looks much better this morning. She bounces back quickly. Hopefully this won't leave any lasting effect.

Sara said...

Tell Nathan to look for a job out here again and maybe the curses will stop. Maybe they're just signs that you should live here again so we can hang out!

kmmclain said...

I'd love that, but I don't think it is going to happen any time soon. I wish though!

Rita said...

So sorry :( I hope things get better soon.

Anne said...

Hi Kelly -
You're not cursed, just blessed with young,active kids and a travelling husband! Once I broke my arm while home alone with the kids and made myself a sling so I could wait for Ellis to get back from a trip to go to the hospital!!!! Hope you're having an otherwise great summer!