Cancer. It is one of those things I haven't thought of, until it hits home. Yesterday my mom called and told me she has breast cancer. Luckily it was caught very early which is a point in her favor. She will have an MRI on Monday and we should know more then. She is very positive and looks at this as a minor setback to leaving for her mission.
I wish I was as calm. After I heard the news, I freaked out and spent part of the day crying, and trying to let it all sink in. My mom has breast cancer. How does one accept that? Will I have it too? What can I do, should I run to my doctor and get tested? I feel completely helpless. It is moments like this when you realize you have no control. I hate that feeling. I like having control. I like to be able to fix things, and right now I have to wait.
I spent the other part of my day at the pediatrician's office with Emily. She has had an unexplained fever for the last 24 hours and so I took her in. 2 catheters later, we think she may have a UTI. That is not good. A baby her age with a UTI, can cause kidney damage, so now I am waiting again for test results. If they are positive, she will need an ultrasound and another test that involves a catheter. If those are both positive, she will go on a low dose of antibiotics indefinitely. Please keep her in your prayers.
I also have a kidney infection and Thomas is about to loose his first tooth. My little boy is growing up. There is something positive to end this post with.