I am... a daughter of a king.
I think... I know what I am doing, when most of the time I don’t.
I want... more patience.
I have... everything that I truly need.
I miss... being young and carefree.
I fear... that I will fail as a mother.
I feel... that I should be doing more.
I hear... silence.
I smell... someone needing a diaper change.
I crave...more “me” time.
I cry.... when no one else is around.
I search... the floor before putting Emily down so she doesn’t ingest any small parts.
I wonder... when life will be easier.
I regret... not doing more with my life before marriage and children.
I wish... I had more patience and understanding of children’s emotions.
I love... when my children tell me they love me and that I’m the best mom.
I care... what everyone thinks about me.
I always... repeat things more than once.
I worry... that I am doing everything wrong, and screwing up my kids future.
I am not... together.
I remember... my earliest memory at age 4 or 5 catching my first fish.
I believe... in the gospel.
I know… Heavenly Father is real.
I sing... songs from Disney movies to my kids and hear them laugh.
I don't always... do what’s right.
I argue... way too much with my kids.
I write... in my journal every once in a while.
I lose... my mind on a regular basis.
I listen... to Emily laugh and talk to herself. I love her voice.
I can usually be found... on the computer.
I need... a vacation.
I forget... how truly blessed I really am.
I am happy...because my family loves me as I am.